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At home to raise some ornamental fish, and raising flowers raises the grass is as can edify disposition, but also can decorate, beautify the indoor environment. But fish choice is undeserved, can not only raise the fish, but also on the indoor environment pollution, thereby affecting the health of the human body. Therefore, the pisciculture inside the bedroom should pay attention to the following 3 points for attention:

One, must be ventilated room. Because water is still, very easy to breed bacteria, and from different places to buy ornamental fish also may bring different viruses, plus corruption fish food will make the fish suffer from infection and disease, resulting in indoor environmental pollution, therefore must pay attention to the ventilation of the room, often should undertake indoor environment ventilation or equipped with air purification equipment.

In two, the aquarium equipment to advanced. The tank should have good filtration system, to be good filtering fish manure, food residues. But we should not be too dependent on the aquarium filtration equipment, pay attention to hands, often should undertake fish tank, water and filtration system cleaning, cleaning fish excrement, but people fish disease is likely to become a hotbed, affect people's health. In addition to observe the growth situation of ornamental fish, fish and fish to prevent disease caused by water quality and environmental pollution, to promptly remove dead fish.

In three, fish tank, fish choose to see the room. Small room not suitable selection of large fish tank, and the selection of ornamental fish but also to see the room set. General room can raise some small fish in the living room, office, or a relatively large room can raise some large ornamental fish, at the same time to close attention control fish stocking density and food quantity, in order to prevent excess food fish tank water quality and the indoor environment pollution.

Note that the best not in the bedroom of fish, because the fish will emit a lot of water vapor, will increase indoor humidity, easy to mildew, which leads to biological pollution;

And the pump of aquatic animals box will produce noise, affects the sleep quality of the people, on human health is not very good!




成都定做海鲜池|成都河鲜池定做|成都鱼缸|成都如鱼得水水族   地址:成都市青羊区一环路西一段百花西路   邮政编码:610072
联系人:李先生   电话:028-87058020   手机:18200190119   传真:028-87058020
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